They cannot understand the world,but they have sunshine in their heart. I understand the world so deep that I cannot understand what is sunshine.--from a patients with depression .
萨利我们什么都没做 Okay? There isno"we."There'sonly you. 懂吗 你所说的“我们 里面只有你自己 Becausehere's not a person in your life you wouldn't betray for a piece of this. 了金子省我所有人 You made that real clear. 你展现的淋漓尽致 不 我想和我司盈动姆一起见证这一刻 Not with you 而不是和你一起 Well.look around. kid. You did this. 看看围孩子这是你的功劳 He'd be proud.of you. 他会以你为荣的